Around Lake Nabugabo are these very cool swamps. The ecology group got to go to two different swamps. One was on the edges of Lake Nabugabo and was called Kaz's swamp. I'm not sure what the official name was, but Dr. Chapman and her research team call it Kaz's lagoon. The swamp is dominated by miscan- thidium, another plant that does well in water logged areas with low dissolved oxygen content. Since we can't cut papyrus down to use to keep from getting wet, we got to don waders. We laid out minnow traps and then took them the next day to see what we found in the different areas. We learned how to identify different types of freshwater fish, and one of these pictures shows a psuedocrenilabrus multicolor. The name is such a mouthful we call them blue lips, and they are actually the fish I am working on for my summer research grant back in Montreal.
The last picture is from Lwamunda swamp. We met up with the primatology group and in groups, we got to ride in a pickup truck and head to Lwamunda swamp which surrounds Lake Nabugabo, but is 3km from where we were. There, we did some seines, and some of the primatology group donned the waders to chase the fish into the seine nets.