Lake Nabugabo is a satellite lake of Lake Victoria, only about 4km from the shores of Lake Victoria. Lake Nabugabo separated from Lake Victoria relatively recently, only about 4,000 years ago. This makes Nabugabo an ideal study lake to try and understand Victoria's ecosystem. Lake Victoria is the size of Switzerland and bordered by 3 countries, making diversity and ecosystem studies very difficult. We were only there for a few days, but the sunrises there were some of the most beautiful we saw on our trip through out East Africa. The lake is fished by the locals for Nile perch and tilapia, and there is even a resident female hippo there. She is solitary however, as any potential mates were likely hunted. I believe CFSIA names her Henrietta. Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of her.
At Nabugabo, there are vervet monkeys, which we didn't see in Kibale. Like the baboons in Kibale, the vervets liked to hang out near our food areas; however, we don't have to worry about three inch incisors on the vervets (though they do have teeth!)
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